Faun Fun!

Hello again strangers! I have been busy with various other creative projects in RL but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten you 😉 And I especially have not forgotten my ideal of a Fifty Faun feature! Well, I have some good news and some bad news: The bad news is that freebie/under 50L stuff for fauns is very limited. On this occasion I have had a couple of cheats. I was faced with abandoning the feature and moving on but obviously, that ain’t happening. Therefore, the good news is that, well, obviously I’ve just went and big fat done it anyway! Tada!


Right, a couple of things here: firstly, rather than provide a full fifty faun, I have presented you all with some extras at under fifty lindens as well as this lovely corset from the Maai midnight mania group and some freebie extras to set the whole thing off such as the complimenting panties and suspenders from ~Sassy!~. Both groups have boundless group gifts, outfits and freebies so it’s well worth a look. I’d also like to draw your attention to my hair which is an exclusive from D!VA for Mimi’s Choice. The hair comes in two different styles, both of which I will show you, but comes in this colour only. Please note that you can also not get this hair in the D!VA mainstore but need a Mimi’s Choice Group tag at the mainstore to nab it. The horns are from +Half-Deer+ and are a 25L gatcha prize as well as the cute faun face for 30L.

Alice is wearing…

Hair: D!VA @ Mimi’s Choice (0l for Mimi’s Choice group members – EXCLUSIVE to this location so you will need MIMI’S group tag NOT Mariska’s)

Corset: Maai midnight mania gift (0L)

Panties and suspenders: ~Sassy!~ Group gift (0L)

Eyes: IKON eyes Optimism (previous group gift/no longer free)

Skin: Jesylilo Autumn 2 light (previous group gift no longer free)

Faun Face: +Half-Deer+ faun tattoos (30L)

Horns: +half-deer+ lamb horns gatcha (25L each)

Tattoo: Wicked Tattoos Pride Tattoo (0L – marketplace)

Wings: Curious Kitties Freebie festive wings (0L)

Bangles: Angelwing Spring fairy (25L)

Pose: LAMU HOVERING ANIMATION by Su Voir and MrS (0L – marketplace)


All right, as I said, I decided to compromise on the ‘good looking’ faun stuff. You can get cheaper but, as with most things fantasy related (and frikkin’ hard to find at a certain price) they look like er…cack. So, I snapped up these cute faun feet from small time at 200L for three three colours. Yes, it’s a cheat, but coupled with these cute tintable fader socks (10L on the marketplace) y9u can pretty much get three different looks for half the price of most similar items around. Featured here is also the Free Al Vulo Group gift skin, Alyss in Wonderland, which makes a great look for most outfits. I’m also wearing an item from The Wash Cart sale from 1 hundred. If you haven’t been down to the Wash already, I strongly advise you to: big names, big market, tiny price…all items 10L or below. You might want to set your draw distance quite low before you head out though. Big bargains mean big lag!

Alice is wearing…

Outfit: 1 hundred candy dress @ The Wash (10L)

Tail: L.O.O Creations – White – Faun Tail (15L – marketplace)

Mouthie: <<–DANGO–>> Dango Mouthie (0L – marketplace)

Skin: Al Vulo! Group gift Alyss Wonderland (0L)

Hooves: Smalltime Mesh hooves (not free – 200L but come with three colours!)

Tintable fader socks: {TW33K} marketplace (10L)


…all right, all right. So I might have told a little white lie. I did decide to go for the Fifty Faun anyway and am sharing with you the first incarnation of my second main, Ayanechi. This is indeed she, looking a little more retro than I’m used to but nevertheless, it’d be a crime for me not to share with those of you not in the know as to K&L‘s range of 50L faun and neko avatars. The skin Chi is wearing is a freebie from Tuty’s. Her hair has been featured before and is still available in D!VA. Also, why do my fauns wear wings? That’s kinda simple:why not?

Chiya is wearing…

Skin: TuTy’s LUCINE Gothic Skin – FREE full set of 12 make ups

Eyes: Mayfly Mesh eyes (not free)

Hooves, tail, spots, necklace: K&L Springtime Faun (marketplace – 50L)

Hair: D!VA Norma group gift (Wings optional – 0L)

Wings: Curious Kitties Wings (0L)

Outfit: Depravity Corset (30L )


Ocean Born

Ahoy there maties! Soooo I decided to do something I haven’t done in a while here on Fifty. Or well…er, at all really. Mermaids! Now, my reasons for doing an unrelated post right on top of Valentine’s day are twofold: one, I got my one and only mushy valentine’s post out of the way simply because…it’s boring. It’s everywhere. And I quite simply can’t be arsed. Nevertheless, I will have a Valentine’s post up this week with a special fifty twist for all you diehards out there. Aaaaand secondly, it is DAYUM cold. Rain, snow, sleet and general crap-ness. I felt like I wanted to warm up. So, why not join me with some sizzling bargains:


Now see, it wasn’t really enough for me to put a mermaid on a beach, looking all seductive and stuff. I decided to put her, where she belongs, near the water but she’s doing it in style. If one is to become living sushi, you do it right! Or at least I do ;D Ariel? Daryl Hannah? Hanging around on rocks, hankering after princes? Well, my friends, who needs a prince when you have little Chico here, my free doggy bag from TuTsy’s. The bag is colourchange, wearable and more importantly, adorable. You’ll also notice my fine tail from Evie’s closet. It is one of several gifts you can get absolutely free without a group tag. Just walk in, turn left and there you are. Insta-fun. The gorgeous skin is a Valentine’s special from the inimitably fantastic Jesylilo.  And finally, the hair is another cracking addition to the Analog Dog Free balls down on the beach behind the AD hair island store. There are plenty to pick up and choose from so why not pay them a visit 🙂

Alice is wearing….

Mer Outfit: Evie’s Closet Nereida mermaid outfit (0L)

Hair: Analog Dog Mint Earth (0L)

Skin: Jesylilo Valentine’s Group Gift 2013 (50L to join)

Tattoos and Jewellry: Angelwing Gold Sin Silks accessories (25L)

Sunglasses: Derp Riot Shades (0L – marketplace)

Lil’ Dog in bag: TuTy’s free colourchange mesh pet carrier Chihuahua (0L – marketplace)

Beach towel, book, parasol, drink, sun cream: LISP Bazaar (10L – marketplace)


All right, all right. Is that more like it? There are a variety of these tails at Taliesins for free 🙂 Upon landing, drop into the water, have a scooch around to the right and you’ll find a variety of nautical freebies such as an AO, a funky animated trident and an abundance of mer tails for both sexes. You can also pick up a cute little dress or two and this bubbles mask makeup which I’m wearing below.


Pictured here is also the February gift from Vero Modero, absolutely free with a group join and, another steal, is this wonderful luscious braid is one of two fatpack hairs you can pick up with a group tag from Eaters Coma.

Makeup, AO, Mer costume: Taliesins bubble makeup mask (0L)

Skin: [VM] February group gift Asia (0L)

Eyes: IKON Optimism Lucid (previous group gift – no longer free)

Armbands, circlet: Angelwing Light Goddess (25L)

Hair: Eaters Coma Gift 3 – Light Silver (0l)

Hair Flowers: LODE Free hair accessories (0L)

Bubble blower (mouth): Mermaid Salvage Bubble blower (1L)

Aaaand finally, a few Nightwish fans may have recognised the name of this post as being a classic album of theirs and in fact the one that sparked the idea in the first place 🙂 Keep tuned for my alternative Valentine’s day special on the way this week, and enjoy my favourite track from the album if you’ve just read that and have a big ? above your head 😛


First Guest Blogger: Solique Lacombe!

AN: I have searched high and low, pleaded, begged and bothered this girl to do a guest spot on Fifty for quite some time and I have had my wishes come true! Sexy, sassy and savy, Sol has kindly put her freebie hunting and fashionista skills to bring both Fifty and YOU the best deals out there with this exclusive under 50L avatar put together from freebies and discount items. Please guys, show Soli some love in the comments section below and please do enjoy ^^ Thank You Solique! ~ Alice 


I was encouraged to do a guest blog here which I only really started cause I found this lovely green dress, which was a group gift from the Lika Ruby store. Of course how could one do an entry that was only about a dress? People need other stuff to wear with it. So I went on a little mission to find stuff to go with it and I ended up piecing together an entire avatar! I liked the shape that came with the skin, but it’s face looked retarded! However, this shape is mod so I was able to  put my own face on it. The best thing about the dress is that it also includes the earrings and necklace. With almost every outfit I’ve ever put together, it was always the accessories that made it pop. While the entire outfit is free, right down to the skin and hair, the eyes do cost a small amount. The eyes are my everyday eyes, which i bought at Negaposi for $30L  each colour. I’m able to have two different coloured eyes because they include prim eyes as well  as the regular avatar eye layer.


Solique is wearing….

Skin by Curves Skins & Shapes, group gift. (0L)
skin – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vision%20of%20Silence/22/26/901

Hair was free: Anara on the marketplace (0L)


Dress, earrings and necklace + Lika Ruby + group gift. (0L)
Dress – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KDC/93/157/27

Heels Mandy. Dark brown heels by JE T’AIME. (0L)
Shoes – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SeaBreeze%20Oasis/16/103/31

Eyes $30L each colour
Dreaming eyes by <<< negaposi >>>

Queen of hearts!

All right guys, it is February and we are right into the heart of the matter here at fifty: Valentine’s Day! Now, I have had some rather questionable emails concerning my wherabouts these past couple of weeks and I can just hear it now: Alice, you’re LATE! Yes, yes I am and the reason is that I was away last weekend, returned home and was sick as a dog and feeling sorry for myself XD I just want to let you all know that Fifty is flying high and I am definitely here to stay. One of the perks of being Alice Wylde is you guys but the downside is that I AM Fifty at the minute, so if I go, it all goes. Wanna help? WRITE FOR ME! Yes, I’m still plugging that idea. One day I will succeed! Anyways, owing to my absence I have therefore put together a bumper edition for you all, so please, do enjoy!


D’awwww, isn’t that sweet? The er…outfit I’m wearing consists of these adorable red shoes which are a steal at 10L on the marketplace. This adorable little heart pose is also something I picked up, a dollarbie on the marketplace and I thought would be perfect for any homemade Valentine’s cards you boys and girls were hoping to send out to your loved ones(*waves hi to her guy who pops in every now and again* And Trasc…you haven’t rumbled me this time :P). You might also notice the wee potted plants and wall hangings which are freebies as part of the For the love of… hunt, a furniture based hunt with lots of cuddlies, animations and bits and pieces for a cozy Valentine’s night in front of the fire 🙂 more information on that at the end of the post…

Alice is wearing…

Hair: Alice Project Marie Naturals (Lucky board instore 0L)

Skin: Al Vulo Group Gift (0L)

Heels: ::Masha:: DEE DEE Red (10L – marketplace)

Pose: Secret Style Dollarbie (1L – marketplace)

Horns: Dirtyland small bumps (group gift – 0L)

Plants: Cobblestone Vintage love tree For the love of…hunt gift (0L)

Wall hangings: Alouette You’re my Sweetheart For the Love of…hunt gift (0L)

Skybox: Creative Decay *Coffee Bean* (39L)


All right, you will notice several things here: one, that frikkin tail is everywhere! Two, my wonderful neon dreads ;D To come to the point about the tai and accessories…I would like to answer a few critics here who, and I’ve had this said directly to my face first hand, have bitched about Freebie/discount blogs owing to their ‘unoriginality’ and ‘all featuring the same stuff’. My answer to this: Sometimes we do feature the same stuff, but SL isn’t about pre-packaged avatars for me. Mix and match, build your wardrobe and er….as far as being unoriginal goes…get bent. Yes, you can be both cheap and unique. For this reason, I’m going to work more fervently on my mod sections so do keep up to date with us! All right, the hair…Lol. Back to business. This is from the Sinister Sinner Goth hunt and is the prize from The Alice Project. The hunt itself ended on Jan 31st but this infinity pack is still available with a group join to the SSG group (sinister sinner goth). Also featured is the new free group gift from Hush skins and a few bits and pieces I picked up for free at psychotic neko: 

Alice is wearing…

Skin: Valentine’s Skin from Hush (Group gift – 0L)

Tattoo: Heart Tattoo (Teeeeeeeny on throat): Half Deer PMVH gift

Hair: Alice Project Sinister Sinner Goth Hunt (Group join Sinisiter Sinner Goths 0L hunt gift)

Eyes: IKON monthly freebie – Optimism (Group gift – 0L)

socks: Hold ups by Psychotic Neko Freebies (0L)
Mouthie: I eat spiders by Psychotic Neko Freebies (0L)
Bra: Brat Bra by Psychotic Neko Freebies (0L)

Tail: Kre-ations PMVH hunt (0L)

Ring: Bubble Ring by Needful Things/Sweet leo creations PMVH (0L)

jacket: Maai previous gift no longer available

Hair Bow: Y&R Dollabie (coloured to match – mod) (1L – marketplace)

Wings: **AngelWing** Timeless (25L)

Nails: **pulcino** PMVH gift (0l)

Necklace and Earrings: ~Eclectica PMVH gift (0L)

Shorts: SN@TCH 60 days gift pack (0L to under 60days avatar)


Finally, a closer look at several things featured here: One the Hush Group Skin for February (0L with a group join) and the newest addition from Al Vulo’s group gift hut. You might also want to rush on down to IKON to grab these stunning eyes which are available until Midnight tomorrow: remember, IKON’s group gifts last for the first weekend of the month and then they’re gone, so it’s well worth a visit. Also featured are Marie and Wonderland luckboard/chair gifts from The Alice Project. These hairs require no group joins, just a lot of patience and are only two featured. Carrie’s lingerie provided this wonderful little heart bikini as part of their group gift and Enelya’s creations are ever generous with their lucky chairs and wealth of midnight mania boards with only one example in this little red number. Finally, the poses I have used here are only a tiny selection from the numerous generous freebies from E.Ink.

Alice is wearing….

Dress: .::EC:. Lucky board gift Valentine 2012 (long and short skirts included – 0L)

undies: Carrie’s Lingerie Group gift (0L)

poses: Numerous and many freebies from E.ink (0l – marketplace)

Skin 1: Valentine’s Skin from Hush (Group gift – 0L)

Skin 2: Al Vulo Group Gift (0L)

Hunt info:


